Spin-on oil filter elements are used on most models from 1980 to present. Unlike stock and most replacement filters these ones feature a hex head for easier installation and removal. We offer filters in 4 basic qualities, all manufactured after the highest quality standards and featuring a correctly calibrated pressure relief valve.
Classic stock replacement filters
Feature automotive quality 30 Micron filtration paper. Available in chrome plated or black painted.
Magnetic Double Action
These filters feature 30 Micron filtration paper, 30% more filtering surface, and a magnetic ring tower. The magnetic ring tower is an extra safety device that even holds steel particles of under 10 micron, parts that are not hold by any filtration paper. Chrome plated.
TC Quality
These filters were introduced in 1999 on the Twin Cam engine. These filters feature 10 Micron filtration paper and re-designed pressure relief valve, and Anti-Drain Back Valve. Available in chrome plated or black painted.
Magnetic Double Action TC Quality
For those "who do not want to take any chances". These filters feature 10 Micron filtration paper, AND 30% more filtering surface, AND a magnetic ring tower that even holds steel particles of under 10 micron, parts that are not hold by any filtration paper. Chrome plated.
1980-early 1986 Sportster, short filter (OEM 63810-80A & 63782-80)
Late 1986 to present Evolution Sportster, long filter (OEM 63805-80A, 63796-77A)
1982-1994 FXR, long filter (OEM 63805-80A, 63796-77A)
1991-1998 Dyna, extra long filter (OEM 63812-90 & 63813-90)
1999-2017 Dyna, long filter (OEM 63731-99 & 63798-99)
1980-1998 FLT and FLHT, long filter (OEM 63805-80A, 63796-77A)
1999-2016 Twin Cam Touring & Trike and 2017 to present Milwaukee Eight Touring & Trike, long filter (OEM 63731-99 & 63798-99)
1984-1999 Softail, long filter (OEM 63805-80A, 63796-77A)
2000-2017 Twin Cam Softail and 2018 to present Milwaukee Eight Softail, long filter (OEM 63731-99 & 63798-99)
1982-1984 FL and FLH, short filter (OEM 63810-80A & 63782-80)
Late 1982-1986 FX, FXE, FXEF, FXWG and FXS, short filter (OEM 63810-80A & 63782-80)
Recommended Retail Prices include 25.00% sales tax.
Prices exclude shipping, import duties and installation.
Prices are based on EUR to NOK interbank rates obtained daily. The interbank rate is the rate that banks trade currency to each other. These prices must be used as a guide.
Oil filters
The oil system of Harley-Davidson changed between the Evolution and Twin Cam models. On Evolution models the oil filter system is in the return section and uses a 30 micron filter. On Twin Cam models the oil filter system is on the pressure side and uses a 10 micron filter. Oil filters can not be changed over!